Becoming Incurable is a documentary feature film that explores the transformation of three individuals who became diagnosed with chronic, incurable illnesses.

The film’s mission is to empower, educate, and surprise viewers through three affecting narratives shaped by their chronic illness journey.

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Sofia Webster

Age: 25

Illness: Chronic Lyme Disease

Length of Misdiagnosis: 4 years

Length of Time with Symptoms: 10 years

Credit: Glenn Jones/Ikona Photography

Charis Hill

Age: 31

Illness: Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)

Length of Misdiagnosis: 8 years

Length of Time with Symptoms: 18 years

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Leo (Junie) Suan

Age: 43

Illness: Severe Dystonia

Length of Misdiagnosis: 2 years

Length of Time with Symptoms: 5 years